Depending on which level 2 and 3 qualifications you hold will determine which NVQ pathway you should be following otherwise you will not gain the JIB Gold Card required as an 'Approved Electrician' talk to us and we will ensure you are on the right one.


If you need advice and guidance as it can get complicated knowing what qualifications you currently have and what this means for you to work within the Electrical Industry as a Fully qualified 'Approved Electrician' recognized by the JIB and able to carry the Gold Card allowing you to work anywhere in the industry not just in the UK but many other parts of the world.  Let us guide you on the correct pathway and ensure you get the required qualifications.


We are unique in that we have all of the NVQ qualifications available for your progression and can advise on the best route including the NEW Experienced Worker Routes or NEW Domestic Installer NVQ pathway




if life got in the way or could not complete your NVQ at the time but now you need to get your JIB Gold card so need to complete your NVQ.       Don't panic contact us and a pathway may exist to enable completion of the NVQ using your existing qualifications which we can guide you through or it may be that the New Experienced worker pathway might provide a better option that we can discuss and map out for you.




Whatever qualifications you hold, let us help and guide you through the options that may be available to you enabling the qualifications yo might currently hold to be used in a pathway to gain your suitable Electrical Trade recognition.

Even some of the older qualifications like the 2330 or 2360 and you are confused about what to do to become qualified, have a talk with us and we will map over the possibilities for you to gain the required Trade qualifications.

Even if you have no qualifications and have been working in the trade for years or in engineering talk with us and we are always available to support the industry and guide you into the correct qualifications required.




Gain additional recognition with the C&G2391-52 Inspection and Testing full course to enable you to test installations sign off the installation and provide full certification for companies or councils.

Ensure you are up to date with the current wiring regulations even add on Portable appliance testing, or environmental Solar PV or EV charging to give you more versatility to install the latest technology and systems.



NVQ C&G2357

If you have completed one of the recognised level 2 and 3 qualifications you may be eligible to complete your NVQ log book evidence and EPA End Point Assessment to gain your JIB Gold Card.


We can advise and guide you through which qualification route is best for you to undertake to become fully qualified and recognised in the Electrical Industry.


Tell us what certificates you already hold and we can guide you through the best way to become fully qualified.


We provide all of the recognised qualification routes from previous qualifications including C&G or EAL Level 2 & 3 Routes from 2360,2330,2365 and 8202 pathways.


Prices from £1479

we can advise the best pathway for you to gain that all important Gold Card.

Find out more

We complete the NVQ evidence with you and visit you on-site to observe and record evidence.


We ensure compliance to the C&G and JIB industry ensuring your Log book evidence and recorded information meet the standards but also provide you with the best record of your on-site work experience.


Gain your Full NVQ the right way.

NVQ C&G2357-91

The C&G2357-91 pathway is for those who may have older qualifications such as the C&G2330, C&G2360 or a mixture of qualifications and need to still gain recognition as an approved electrician with the JIB Gold Card.  We can map these into the correct route for you and ensure you gain the requirements but this can take a lot longer than the normal NVQ to claim from C&G so allow up to 4 months when you complete for the final certificate to come through due to its complexity.

Due to this the cost of this specific NVQ route is £1995

Experienced Worker

Who is this qualification for?

If you have been working in the Electrotechnical industry for over 5 years and have not completed an industry apprenticeship or equivalent Level 3 NVQ, then this route is for you.


It is suitable for both employed and self-employed persons within the ELECTRICAL industry.

The entry requirements are as follows:

Working in the Electrical Industry for over 5 years minimum.


You must also hold a Level 2 Electrical Installation Qualification as a minimum in order to register for this NVQ pathway


This means that holders of a Level 2 OR Level 3 Diploma / Technical Certificate are eligible.


To complete you will need to:

Complete the C&G 2346 NVQ Portfolio

Complete an AM2E Assessment.

Have an up-to-date Wiring Regulations qualification

Have an Initial Verification Inspection and Testing Qualification such as the C&G 2391-50 We recommend undertaking the C&G2391-52 as it covers both EIC and EICR requirements.


You will need to undertake the EPA end point assessment at an independent NET centre AM2E after completing this qualification to gain your JIB Gold Card.


You will also need to complete the Evidence information in two forms from the NET


One is your experience and one is employment history to confirm the 5 years minimum required to undertake the qualification.

Follow the link below:



Contact us to confirm eligibility.

 Contact us to confirm your Eligibility

NEW Qualifications

We keep up to date to provide  the best ways to become fully qualified and recognised by the JIB as an Approved Electrician.


Get professional advice and guidance which route applies to you or add on short courses that enhance your career opportunities.    


The new Experienced Worker qualifications for Commercial and Industrial and the NEW Domestic Installer pathways are available

Contact us for more information.

Short Courses

NEW C&G2347-03 In Dwellings Experienced Worker Qualification also known as Domestic Installer  Pathway to enable you to attain your JIB Gold Card


The requirements for entry:

• minimum of 3 years’ industry experience working as an electrician

• an industry recognised Level 2 Diploma in Electrical Installations 


This qualification covers the knowledge, skills and competency required by an Electrician in domestic dwellings. You will also need to undertake the End point assessment at an NET centre AM2D

 Contact us to confirm your Eligibility

Overseas Qualifications

If you have qualifications from another country or experience you think is relevant to the Experienced Worker Route then you will need to contact  

Link to ECS

In general, an overseas qualified and experienced person would go through the Ecctis (UK ENIC) electrotechnical mapping* (which maps against the knowledge units of the apprenticeship qualification), complete a documented or recorded technical discussion with the training provider to confirm that they have knowledge and work experience across the range of activity required, and then would need to be working in the UK to provide evidence for the practical assessments.


Past evidence from overseas work cannot be accepted.

*Please note the electrotechnical mapping and NOT the general mapping must be undertaken 

Training providers cannot accept any non UK qualifications without this mapping.

There will be no exemptions from the practical performance elements – even if you have significant practical experiences of working overseas, you will still need to be working in the UK to complete the practical elements of the EWA.

To gain an ECS card with non-UK qualifications, you will need to complete one of two routes for Experienced Worker

Contact us for more information

 Contact us to confirm your Eligibility